Our AGM took place on Saturday 27th January 2024 in the Blanchardstown Library. Our Chairperson Frank O'Connor reviewed the past year's activities and accounts.The latest journal was a great success. Every year we strive to improve and this edition was in full colour. (Still copies available here in print and digital formats)
Our new committee elected were:
Frank O'Connor (Chair)
Jim Lacey (Vice-chair)
Bernie Lanigan (Secretary)
Margaret Hughes (Treasurer)
Mary Eustace (Archivist)
Noreen Maher (Media manager)
Grainne Ui Chaomhainigh
Terry McCabe
Cllr John Walsh
The journal editing board confirmed as :
Colman Duggan (Editor) Berni Sullivan, Jim Lacey,Noreen Maher, Margaret Hughes, Grainne Ui Chaomhainigh, Brenda King, Cllr John Walsh
A new item for the agenda was the creation of a sub committee to recommend the future structure of the society
Noreen provided an update on the Website and Social Media activity and schools outreach programme to be developed
The Walks and Talks for 2024 programme was discussed with plans outlined for the coming months and when dates are confirmed they will be advertised
After the meeting business was complete Frank O'Connor gave an interesting demo on the use of ChatGPT AI that had potential for use by members in writing their own family history memoirs or articles for our journals